September 12, 2022

Our current efforts are to stop/stall construction, hold guilty parties accountable, and continue community outreach regarding the environmental and housing rights of the community.


311 calls are critical to stopping the reckless and illegal work happening on site. Call 311 to report a violation of a Stop Work Order:

  1. on any weekend day. Their weekend permit has expired.

  2. Anytime you see any work MORE than debris removal. Their current permit

  3. Starting 9/22: report ANY WORK AT ALL. As of 9/22 they will have no valid permit to be doing any demolition, work, or debris removal. 

Community Outreach

We have two main community outreach efforts: environmental protection, and housing rights.

Asbestos has been found on site and the demolition of the most asbesots-ridden part of the building has not even begun yet. Resources are tight so if you have the capacity to help, please offer your time with these efforts.


There are a number of upcoming hearings regarding the many violations from the demolition and subsequent construction, so far, they are all pending, but let’s all keep an eye on them and start thinking about what we want to do when these do get on the calendar. 

We also encourage you to reach out to Sarah Carroll of the Landmarks Preservation Committee that failed to protect the building despite having the time and opportunity to do so and let her know your frustration.


We are beginning to dream and ideate about what could happen if the sale is successfully stopped. We’d love to explore and prioritize truly affordable housing, and community spaces. We discussed organizations like St. Nicks and GLITS as possibilities. Please feel free to send us more suggestions/thoughts.


October 08, 2022


July 21, 2022